Saturday, August 13, 2011

Playing with Daniel

This is for all the mothers.
Playing with Daniel is kind of tough when he's locked away in your wife's abdomen.  I've tried the poking see, I poke at Katie's belly and hope that Danny pokes back.  This seems to hurt Kate however.  I've tried the singing game.  I'll sing loudly into Kate's belly button (I believe that's where you get the best sound), but the beautiful singing either temporarily paralyzes him or dulls him, because he refuses to sing back.  I was going to try and throw him up in the air, but I assumed Katie would be a fun-killer and not let me...oh well.

Things are still going smoothly.  The pains of third trimester are starting to weigh down on Katie.  Her back is in exceptional pain and sleeping is very uncomfortable.  Lately, Katie has been Gleeping instead.  That's when you watch Glee in place of sleep.  Kate had her visit with the doctor yesterday and she still thinks we'll go early, but maybe not as early.  Either way, we're (as of yesterday) at 37 weeks and Danny is considered full-term.  I guess this is really happening!  Well, just like every week, it's time for a visit to your local HyVee vegetable aisle (don't worry, it comes with a VERY helpful smile).  Apparently Danny is like a stalk of Swiss chard.  I swear I've learned as much about fruits and vegetables as I have about the birthing process.  Thankfully, another site says he is like a watermelon.  That's a fruit I can really sink my mental teeth into (don't really like them for my real teeth).

This is apparently the recipe for chocolate-covered carrots.
As I said, Katie has been sore from carrying our fat baby.  She believes most of the soreness comes from the fact that she is now back teaching her music classes.  As a K-2 music teacher, she's called to be quite active, leaving her feeling like she's just run a marathon.  We were discussing the other day that she has not had any weird cravings (such as pickles dipped in ketchup or chocolate-covered carrots).  I, on the other hand, have been having sympathy cravings for food in general. 

The last couple weeks have been quite tough for a few reasons.  I've been having my two-a-days for band camp (second week of two) and Kate has been back to work.  This schedule allows little to NO interaction throughout the day.  Although I love my job and it was a great camp, thankfully, I'm out of those two weeks and will be spending more time at home with my shnooki-mooki.  Life is good, we're very blessed to have each other. on...

A stalk of Swiss chard is the main ingredient of this fabulous meal.

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