Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Howdy folks.  We've had some interesting times the past couple of weeks.  Hopefully I can bring you up to speed, because if not...well...I guess our lives will go on regardless.

I'm kinda blurry, but this is what we do everytime we get out of the car...I just pull him up front since I have a 2-door.
Got everything he needs.

The farthest back I can remember is a couple weekends ago.  Kate was out of town for a convention.  It was in St. Louis and she had a lot of fun (from what she's told me...I can only take her for her word.  She doesn't really have a reason to lie I guess...anyways)  Katie out of town for 3 1/2 days =  lots of Daddy/Daniel time.  It was really a great time though.  School evenings were pretty regular.  I stopped by and visited my folks a couple times, but otherwise, just lots of playing at home and outside (if the weather allowed).  That Saturday, we went to my buddy, Brad's place and watched the Nebraska-Minnesota game.  It was such a riot because he has a little girl just a few months older than Daniel, named Amelia.  They get along great.  Played like crazy, followed each other around, and even fed each other (okay...there's no way Daniel would ever share his food...but Amelia did).

Playing with Amelia.
Upon Kate's return, Daniel came down with a fever Sunday night.  We didn't want to send him out feeling all rotten (I wasn't feeling that great myself), so I stayed home with him the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Lots of hanging out.  He slept for VERY long times (a 4 hour morning nap).  He was getting gradually better and seemed happy enough, but was still running a fever and would get very upset at times.  Tuesday, Katie and I split the day at home with him.  By Wednesday, he was feeling a lot better.  We're not sure exactly what it was, but oh well.
Someone's not that great at posing yet.
Thanksgiving was a grand ol' time.  We spent the morning/afternoon with my folks.  The whole immediate fam was there as well as my Uncle Randy, Aunt Tammy, and their kids (Emily, Noah, and Sam) from Minnesota.  Daniel was unfortunately pretty fussy, so we had to leave earlier to get him down for a nap.  It was still a great time with lots of playing outside and great food.  We then spent the late afternoon/evening at Kate's folks hanging out.  Fun playing pool, watching football, and playing with nieces/nephews.  Great day overall.  The rest of the weekend was spent pretty relaxy like.  We did lots of cleaning on Sunday to get ready for the full week.  Hope everyone's weeks were grrrrreat!

Eating with cousin Jack at Thanksgiving.

Jaime holding Jack holding Elaina supported by Grandma crowded by Taylor.

Watching football with Daddy.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Husker Fun

Two weeks could provide lots of material for writing.  The operative word is "could".  We'll see how this pans out....

Showing off...I think.

Lots HAS happened in the last couple weeks though.  We had Halloween, Election Day, and a Husker game just to name a few.  Daniel's been just cruising through life dropping happiness along the way.  Halloween was a bit of a new experience for me seeing as I hadn't trick-or-treated (TOT from here on out) in many, many years.  I cannot remember experiences TOTing as a toddler either...I actually did a Google search to see what other kids Daniel's age do.  It was a bit awkward going door-to-door collecting candy knowing full well that...he's likely not the one going to eat it.  We ended up just hitting up a few neighbors on our street.  We have not had many TOTers in the past 10 years or so throughout my living situations, so it was a bit surprising (and quite sad) that we ran out of candy so quickly! was sad because there were no leftover candy goes on.  

Ready to go!

Daniel dressed up as a fireman.  We decided to not let him have a hose or axe.  He had to make believe.  He was quite the stud though.  He gets an A+ on TOTing.  

Ready to eat!

The weather has been playing tricks on us, so we've actually had some nice November days to go hang outside.  We've been to the park a couple times and Daniels even played some in the leaves and bushes.  FYI:  We don't let him play in the bushes anymore because he gets scratched up.  Also worth noting that we didn't let him play in the bushes in the first place...he actually fell into some.  Potatoes potatoes.  

Daniel voted for the Giraffe Party...they lean to the UP

Yesterday was an interesting day for Ma and Pa (Kate and me).  One of the things on Kate's bucket list was to go to a Husker game (we're fans).  Quite a while ago, we decided to go with Kate's sis and bro-in-law, Jen & Queño.  We figured it'd be an easy win, quite chilly, but still a fun time.  It was quite a good game, we had a GREAT view, and it was beautiful weather.  It was really a great time.  It was tough not having Daniel most of the day, but he was able to hang out with his Uncle Joe and Aunt Jaime all day long (as well as Taylor and Jack...and the whole rest of the family!).  It was an all-around great day.  

Doesn't our son look so happy!!!?

Kate's got a big conference she's heading to in St. Louis this next weekend and Thanksgiving's right around the corner.  Boy how the year flies. 

Nice picture.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Monkey man.

Done!  Alright..this post is a bit self-centered, but I'm referring to my busy, busy fall season.  Although I enjoy marching band, I certainly do love being able to spend more time at home.  We did plenty of that this weekend and it was wonderful.  
So glad he can feed himself.  Loves toast.

Should drink and read.
Although marching band ended for me last week, I still had a couple games and conferences that kept me busy.  Because of conferences, I had Friday off (except for a state football playoff game) which meant, Daddy-Daniel Day.  So, we had some good chill time..ya know...just being a couple of dudes.  After his awesome morning nap, we visited Kate at her school followed by visiting my own mother at her school.  It was a delightful time.  
He's actually quite good...ish

Typing at Nana's school.
Saturday was another nice day.  We spent some time at the park, rested, did some shopping, and culminated the evening with some Husker football at her folks' house.  It was exquisite.  Sunday was a pretty nice day as well.  Kate and I helped lead worship at our church which made for an early morning and a poor nap situation for Daniel...but he overcame his adversities and we survived.  We were able to have some brief Skype time with my friend, Will and his family.  More park time ending with some Pizza Hut Big Box Pizza Fun Time.  I sit here bloated, but fulfilled.  This is my first week since I can remember where I do not have an evening obligation.  We'll definitely be enjoying some of the fall weather with some fires and park visits (bundled up of course).  Enjoy some pictures. 

He seems to be enjoying this.

Watching football like manly men.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Camping...and other stuff

When we last left the Konrad family, they were on their way to a week full of work and camping!  Since even then, we've had family pictures, pumpkin gutting, and more sitting in stuff then we could imagine.  
Pic from our nature walk while camping.  Check out those noses.
Thug life.
The last couple of work weeks have been a bit of a blur.  It's parent-teacher conference time, so evening schedules are skewed and days grow long.  Just this last week, Katie and I traded almost every single evening because one of us had something or other.  We've also been preoccupied with the growing dilemma which is our treadmill breaking.  I've personally been using it a ton and with the colder weather (and my lack of experience running in colder weather), we were looking to replace it.  Kate was awesome in helping us find the one that currently occupies our workout space.  
Punkin walking.
So excited to Trick or Treat that he forgot his clothes (except his socks)
Cleaning pumpkins!
Last weekend, we went camping with Jen and Queño (Kate's sister and brother-in-law) and their baby girl, Elaina.  We'll have lots of pictures from that weekend.  Kate's friend, Kelly, also brought her son, Duncan out for some fun mud time.  It was hilly, we ate some Dutch oven food (sooooooo good), shot some arrows, and watched horses hang out.  
Elaina and my Myspace photo (message me if you forgot what Myspace is)

Elaina eating paper...don't's laminated.
Playing with Duncan.

Excited that my wife is learning the skills necessary to protect our habitat.
Daniel's first solo concerto.

Today we did some pictures for Kate's side of the family and we're really looking forward to seeing how they come out.  I got a couple over-the-shoulder shots, but the professional shots will look much better.  

Taylor's unphased.  That's focus, folks.

Getting buried by Grandpa.

More fun with Grandpa.
Daniel updates:  He's climbing like CRAZY!  Gets up and down so easily.  I'm still not comfortable with him descending the stairs, but he'll get there.  He's pretty good about not standing on furniture too.  Good thing for the future I hope...we won't let him watch Tom Cruise's appearance on Oprah because he's a bad influence regarding furniture jumping.  Daniel also is at this stage where he likes to sit in everything.  It could be as big as a laundry basket or as small as a can.  I have a collage below of all his random sittings.  Is this normal?  Do other kids do this?  Meh...anyways.  He's babbling like crazy still, walking quite steadily, and even running a bit.  What a great kid.

Happy (and a little curious...)

Enjoy some sitting pics!  

On the pot.
Daniel's bowling.

More sitting in stuff.  With his ducky of course.  That's water on his shirt.
Sitting in Grandpa's chair.

Sitting on the chair.

More sitting...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fun With Bathing

Hi folks!  Not a whole lot of happenings this week.  It'll be heavier on the picture end than the story-telling.  Unfortunately, this time of year, my weekends limit my hanging out with Daniel and Katie.  Although I love my job, I certainly do look forward to some more free time in the coming weeks.  
Keeping me awake.  How rude.

We did have a blast today and some evenings this week just hanging out and playing.  Do you remember that game "Crazy Curtains' of which Daniel was so fond?  Well, he broke the curtain rod!  Ripped it right out of the wall.  Crazy curtains is no more.  Such is life.  It's all fun and games til' someone gets hurt...or something gets broken.  
Reading about the life of a caterpillar.

It's cooling off around here.  We've actually been throwing on the heat!  My good buddy, William (shout out!) asked me the other day, "Is it still hot up there??". It's been darn near freezing!  (PS:  Marching band is still happening and YES we still practice outside).  He's gotten soft though, living in Cali and Texas the past few years.  There, there buddy. 
I guess I'm glad he somewhat censored himself...

Kate's back was bothering her quite a bit (possibly from an accident last year) and she decided to break down and see a chiropractor (shout out to Gregg and Adam Hoogeveen).  In Kate's words, "they're not like hippies".  You know you're set there.  She's feeling a ton better though (80%).  That makes me happy.  
Drawing up a contract...not sure for what.

We had Jen and Queño over for the game last night (that's Kate's sister and brother-in-law).   It was tough to watch, but I enjoyed their company.  Their little Elaina is so very cute.  Katie also visited Zella briefly this week.  She really enjoyed herself and I enjoyed knowing she enjoyed herself.  These lil' babes seem so little compared to our Danielsaurus Rex.
Free falling!
We're going camping next weekend!  Sure to be some fun stories!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Falling Slowly

A week has come and gone!  My how time flies! We'll see if I can keep this weekly thing up again.
Crossed legs like a gentleman.
Boy it's been a busy week for sure.  I unfortunately missed out on a lot of Daniel, but just a few short weeks until we'll be able to hang a lot more.  I'll have to have Katie give some updates on their adventures as I had rehearsals, volleyball games, football games, and competitions throughout the week.
Living the dream.
Daniel's vocabulary is blooming.  He's starting to say "goo goo gah gah", "yaaaah", "bowh", "dadadadadadadada", "ahwo", and "thermodynamic".  We have practice sessions on the way home from daycare every day and he must be learning a ton from these intense meetings.  He's also starting to sing a bunch.  Sounds really good. 
Thank you Uncle Eric and Aunt Noelle for the hammer.
Yesterday, we did our Husker Saturday and enjoyed ourselves over at the Jen and Queño's pad.  We had some good times and enjoyed a satisfying win.  Daniel slept well, so it was a victory all around. 
Fixing her bow.

The exciting development for the week is that our son has discovered how to climb up onto chairs and couches....oh joy.  He gets down okay, but that's not 100% of the time...I wouldn't even say half the time.  He hasn't taken a plunge yet, but it sounds inevitable from talking to many other parents. 
Getting ready for the Husker game.
Looking forward to a nice week with a few more days off than usual, my final home football game, and another nice Husker Saturday.  Enjoy some pics!
Eating a spatula.